Peter Hilpert
University of Surrey, UK
Hilpert develops next-generation methods to study social interactions. He was awarded with two grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) to develop this novel method at the University of Washington in collaboration with Prof. Atkins (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences). Currently, he was awarded a career grant (SNSF) and works for the University of Bern and Zurich and is a lecturer for advanced statistics at the University of Surrey. He uses engineering method to extract behavior (mainly facial and vocal signals) in high temporal resolution (HTR), combines this with factors we already can extract in HTR (physiology, emotions) and use advanced quantitative methods (e.g., dynamical systems modeling, deep learning) to compute self-regulation and co-regulation processes in couples and patient-therapist interactions. Three papers are currently under resubmission based on this method in leading journals (JCCP, Psychological Science).