Parasuraman Basker
Public Health & Preventive Medicine, India
Parasuraman Basker had been awarded Doctoral degree in zoology from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India. Following it he was Research Associate in ICAR and UGC research projects on the fauna of Carabids (Coleopteran Insect) in South India and mosquito cytogenetics in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Bangalore University respectively. Subsequently, he was posted as Senior Entomologist in 1995 in the Department of public Health and Preventive Medicine through Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC). In his credit 33 Research Abstracts presented in 8 International and 25 National Conferences since 1983. 21 research papers have been published in reputed national and international journals. He visited Canada, Malaysia, Morocco, Singapore and Spain as presenters with the Government of India Travel Grants (CSIR, INSA, ICMR and NRHM).