Masayuki Yamashita
International University of Health and Welfare, Japan
Masayuki Yamashita is a Professor of Physiology at International University of Health and Welfare. He completed his PhD in Department of Neurophysiology, University of Tokyo in 1986. He moved to National Institute for Physiological Sciences (Okazaki, Japan) as a JSPS Fellow and a Research Associate. In 1989, he started physiological studies of retina in Department of Neuroanatomy, Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research. After the reunification of Germany, he moved to the Department of Physiology, Osaka University Medical School. He studied the calcium signaling systems in embryonic chick retina. Then, he moved to the Department of Physiology, Nara Medical University as a Professor (1999-2014). He has been interested in “The electrophysiological properties of neuroepithelial cells and newborn neurons”. The retina is a nice model for studying the early development of central nervous systems.
Abstract : Electric axon guidance in embryonic retina: Involvement of integrins